Automate the hirer liability process

With Transfer360

Transfer 360 connects ticket issuers (parking operators, local authorities & tolls) directly to vehicle leasing companies to standardise, monitor and automate the process of transferring the liability for a ticket to the vehicle hirer.

If you are a vehicle leasing company or ticket issuer, get in touch now to automate your liability transfer process.

Savings with Transfer360

Cost to process a Transfer of Liability

With Transfer360
Traditional Process

Time taken to process Transfer of Liability

With Transfer360
Traditional Process

Delays, Errors & Miss-Liability

With Transfer360
Traditional Process



The process of transferring liability of a ticket is manual and costly for both ticket issuers and leasing companies. Transfer 360 automates the process and significantly reduces costs. It makes the process instantaneous and trackable.

Traditionally, when a fine or PCN notice is issued for a vehicle the ticket is sent by post to the leasing company. The leasing company then processes the physical ticket, manually looks up the liable hirer’s details and provides the vehicle hirer’s name and address back to the ticket issuer. The ticket issuer then manually processes the details to transfer liability away from the hire company and sends a new ticket to the hirer.

The process takes weeks, involves significant manual resources, costs and is subject to manual error and postal delays.

Transfer 360 reduces this process to a day, with a fully electronic, standardised process with tracking and data audit log. The process can be fully automated from end to end.

For Leasing Companies

Cost to process a Transfer of Liability

with Transfer360
Traditional Process

Time to process a Transfer of Liability

with Transfer360
Traditional Process

Delays, Errors & Miss-Liability

with Transfer360
Traditional Process

The process for a leasing company to transfer liability of a ticket (fine, PCN etc) to the hirer is time consuming, costly and requires significant manual involvement.

Transfer 360 connects vehicle leasing companies with ticket issuers (parking operators, local authorities, toll roads) electronically to standardize and automate the hirer liability transfer process.

Significant benefits

  1. Paper tickets and postage avoided
  2. Standardised and electronic communication
  3. No more manual involvement
  4. 100% data delivery with full transparency and audit log
  5. Data risk, liability and errors are removed

With Transfer360 the liability transfer process can be fully automated, saving costs, removing manual involvement and avoiding liability.

Traditionally the hire firm will receive a ticket/fine in the post from a ticket issuer. Tickets will be in different formats with various conditions, instructions and communication details. The hire firm must manually process each ticket and manually provide the hirer’s name and address back to the operator, often by post. There is rarely confirmation of successful receipt and so hire firms can become liable for the ticket in the event of manual errors or postal delays/losses.

There are many industries in which tickets are issued to vehicles. The rules and requirements on leasing companies vary between these industries. Within each industry there are multiple ticket issuers and their requirements, addresses and instructions are unique. This exacerbates the manual and time consuming nature of transferring liability to the vehicle hirer. The entire process is cumbersome with significant manual involvement, room for error and delays. There is no tracing, confirmation of receipt or date audit trail.

Transfer 360 allows hire firms to avoid receipt of paper tickets in the post and the laborious task of returning hirer details or making onward payment to unique ticket details.

With Transfer 360 the process is reduced to a standardised and automated operation. Any tickets raised for a hire car are communicated immediately to Transfer360. The hirer details can be pulled automatically from the hirer’s system and sent back to the operator with a confirmation. Automatic payment can also be made. There is a clear data log of the ticket being issued and liability being transferred to the vehicle hirer.

For Ticket Issuers

Cost to process a Transfer of Liability

with Transfer360
Traditional Process

Time to process a Transfer of Liability

with Transfer360
Traditional Process

Delays, Errors & Miss-Liability

with Transfer360
Traditional Process

The system avoids DVLA fees, connection fee, printing, postage and manual processing of hirer details.

  1. Avoid DVLA request and associated fees
  2. Reduce printing and postage costs
  3. Remove all manual processing and postage risks
  4. Improve revenues and bring forward cash flows
  5. Full data trail and audit log of hirers

With Transfer360 the operator fully automates the Notice To Hirer process, saving costs, removing manual involvement and improving revenues.

Traditionally the parking operator would send a request to the DVLA for keeper details, post a Notice To Keeper to the hire company, wait to receive the hirer’s details, manually process the subsequent transfer of liability and then post a Notice to Hirer. Often hirer details can be delayed or lost in the post creating liability issues and reducing payment rates.

The process is costly, involves significant manual involvement and normally takes 3-4 weeks before a notice is sent to the hirer. With Transfer 360 the process is reduced to one day and guarantees correct and timely liability transfer.

Vehicle leasing companies respond to tickets in different ways, on different time scales and with varying degrees of clarity and contact information. This can create issues when manual errors occur or postal delays/losses are experienced.

How it works:

  • before sending the data request to the DVLA the parking operator runs an automated check against Transfer360.
  • If the vehicle is owned by a hire company we will automatically send the parking operator the hirer’s details
  • A Notice to Hirer can be sent immediately. 


Transfer 360 is an independent company that connects ticket issuers directly to vehicle leasing companies to standardise, monitor and automate the process of transferring liability of a ticket to the vehicle hirer.

With significant experience of the ticketing industry and in notice processing systems, we are acutely aware of the inefficiencies experienced by both hire companies and ticket issuers when it comes to transferring liability from a vehicle leasing company to the vehicle hirer.

There are many industries in which tickets are issued to vehicles. The rules and requirements on leasing companies vary between these industries. Within each industry there are multiple ticket issuers and their requirements, addresses and instructions are unique. This exacerbates the manual and time consuming nature of transferring liability to the vehicle hirer.

Equally, vehicle leasing companies respond to tickets in different ways, on different time scales and with varying degrees of clarity and contact information. This can create issues when manual errors occur or postal delays/losses are experienced.

The process of transferring liability from a leasing company to the vehicle hirer takes weeks and requires significant manual involvement by all parties.

We know that all of the traditional issues faced by both parties can be easily resolved, expedited and automated. The system should take place in the background without any day to day involvement required on either side. This is why we have built Transfer 360. The system provides significant benefits for both ticket issuers and leasing companies.

We also believe in transparency and efficient data handling, which is why Transfer 360 provides full reporting and data audit logs to ensure all users can clearly monitor history, usage and track tickets.

The system is fully GDPR compliant and data security has underpinned the system’s design.


Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ

Call: 0203 995 3453
